Friday, May 21, 2010

Aching Lower Back?

Most of us use riding a great source of keeping us fit and strong. Regular riders stay slim and toned without much other exercise. But, it is important for the health of our bodies to stay fit for riding instead of riding to be fit.

We all know horses will pull, rear, buck, shy. Posting, two-point cantering, and jumping fatigue the lower back making us susceptible to strains, sprains, and devastating disc injuries should our horse do these unpredictable acts (which they will, predictably, do).

Alongside our spine are an intricate arrangement of over 40 very small muscles which are designed to protect the spine. These are what give us the tiny ridges down the center of our back. They are especially important for humans since we walk upright and carry the weight of our torso, arms, and head against gravity. The lower back or lumbar region is responsible for much of this burden and is most susceptible to injury since it is not supported by the ribs or the pelvis...

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